The Finals open beta release date and how to register

The Finals open beta is finally here, giving players the chance to try out the looter-shooter set in the ultimate combat entertainment game show. You'll fight for fame, riches, and of course, your life, as you complete against other players in fast-paced FPS action.

As with most open betas, The Finals' will feature full cross-platform play across Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC (Steam). There's already been a couple of closed betas, and from what we've seen, The Finals is certainly shaping up to be one of the most promising upcoming games on the horizon. 

Here's the open beta release date for The Finals. We'll include some info on what to expect, and how to register on your platform of choice. There's a ton of new and updated game modes to try, as well as new Arenas to battle it out in. Here's what you need to know.

The Finals open beta release date

The Finals open beta period starts on October 26, and runs through til November 5. During this time, you'll be able to play the beta on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam. In addition, there's cross-platform play too, so you'll be able to play with friends regardless of where they're playing. Exact timings for the start and end dates have yet to be revealed. We'll update this page once we hear more.

How to register for The Finals' open beta

To register for The Finals' open beta, just head to the store on the platform you're playing on. Search for 'The Finals' and you'll be able to download the free-to-play game. Once the beta goes live, you can then jump in and play until November 5, 2023.

What to expect from The Finals open beta

CAN YOU #REACHTHEFINALS? On October 26 (tomorrow!) the arena opens for our first cross-platform OPEN BETA on Steam, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5. 25, 2023

See more

The Finals will add a load of new content as part of its open beta period. Some of this is new, and some is simply updated from the closed betas that ran earlier this year. Here's what to expect:

  • ARENAS: Skyway Stadium (new), Monaco, Seoul.
  • MODES: Bank-It (new), Unranked Tournament, Ranked Tournament, Quick Cash, Practice Range.
  • CONTESTANT PROGRESSION: The free Open Beta BattlePass will include 16 exclusive rewards that, if unlocked, will be transferred to the full game at launch. Item progression will include 5 Mastery Levels per weapon.
  • LEAGUE PROGRESSION: Five Leagues (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond) will include permanent rewards for each tier, along with an exclusive Legendary Diamond Weapon Skin reward for contestants who reach Diamond tier.
  • GAMEPLAY CHANGES: The open beta will feature 20 Weapons, 26 Gadgets and 9 abilities for contestants to choose from, as well as improvements to performance, movement, teamplay, and more.

So there you have it, that's what to expect from The Finals' open beta period. For more on shooters, check put our picks of the best FPS games you can play right now. Elsewhere, there's our thoughts on the recent Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 beta.
